atomicthumbs' website

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I’m atomicthumbs, a photographer (among other things). This site is a centralized location for people to find me and my work.

Where to find me on social media

I am currently primarily active on Cohost.

I will primarily be posting my photography on Cohost. (I do not currently have a proper portfolio site, pending rebuilding, but you can see my older work on Flickr.)

If you want to keep up with my professional developments, you can follow me on Patreon, with or without paying to subscribe. I'll be announcing any future print runs, photobooks, or other projects on Patreon, and paying subscribers will receieve first pick of limited prints.  

You can also find me elsewhere; I have profiles on the following services, with various activity levels, mostly to keep up with people I know:

Ways to support me

If you’ve enjoyed my posts, writing, or photography, and want to support me, it’s always deeply appreciated; my job doesn’t pay well and affording living in the Bay Area as a non-tech worker is a struggle. You can give me money at Ko-fi, or sign up for recurring payments on Patreon if you want to support me on an ongoing basis.


I prefer not to give out IM contact information publicly, to avoid being inundated with messages from people I don't know. Please email me at if you'd like to contact me for any reason.